Monday, January 2, 2012

Are you making New Year's Writing Resolutions?

Want a little help keeping them?

Join us!

Check in with a motivating team of fellow writers:

Leave your writing goal in the comments here. Then, tweet with the #wipmadness hashtag whenever you need a community. It's a great place for finding friends (and betas!).

I almost forgot to check in this first Monday of 2012. #Yikes #Omens #LetsHopeNot


  1. Lora I wish you an amazing new year filled with breathtaking experiences and ...countless book-signing tours :).

  2. This is a really good idea. :) Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thank you, Unikorna. Your comments (and blog) always make me smile. I wish you a new year full of adventures and love--no matter what.

    Yay! Alexia and Jenna, may your madness be WIP-full :)

  4. Thank you, Unikorna. Your comments (and blog) always make me smile. I wish you a new year full of adventures and love--no matter what.

    Yay! Alexia and Jenna, may your madness be WIP-full :)

  5. I never knew what #wipmadness was until now--thanks for the tip, maybe it will hold me more accountable! Goals: 1. sell first book (!! :D) 2. revise second one 3. write third one (in outline phase) dream.

  6. I'm in, I'm in, I'm in! Let's write some brilliance this year!

  7. Oh, and I forgot to add that I'm giving you an award on my blog tomorrow morning. I'd love it if you stopped by!

  8. Hooray, Lisa and Kara! Look forward to seeing your Wipmadness tweetage.

    Lisa, I'll drop by your blog tomorrow :) And thanks!

  9. Such an awesome idea! I love it!
