Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Sub File Experiencing Deluge

Everyone knows that agents get perhaps hundreds of new queries a week, and it's a race against time to read, reply, request, assess, and offer before the next agent makes a bid for your promising new author's loyalties.

What I don't know is how they do it! After being officially added to QueryTracker.net (thanks so much, Patrick!), I now receive 5-10 new subs a day. Which is wonderful, don't get me wrong. I love seeing all these imaginative stories and waiting for that something that's solid and has spark. And 50-70 a week is nowhere near the hundreds other agents receive...

And yet, I wonder how I'm going to get through them all. I certainly will. Now worries about that. My system previously has been to tag New Subs and Archive immediately for my "batch days," at which time I read and respond to them all. But I find that I get tired quickly this way, with so many, and I start reading for the rejections, which is obviously unfair to writers and bad for my own treasure hunt. I think I'm going to switch to a daily batch system - That way I can stay fresh for new writers and not feel too bogged down by the sheer number of New Subs.

Thanks to all who've sent my way! And for your patience as I work out the kinks. Keep learning. Keep writing. It's good to be in this crazy, exciting process together.


  1. Nice! Keep in mind, with hundreds you certainly can't give each and every one the attention the good ones deserve. :D

  2. My sub--The Bandaged Place--is somewhere in your pile. And I'm patient...very patient. I hope that reading subs doesn't become just another chore for you. Your writers are depending on you :)

  3. Thanks, Jan. It's taking me a bit longer, but I do look forward to reading all my submissions, especially when I request partials.
