Saturday, August 13, 2011

A little calendar fun

Hello blogfellows (which associates weirdly with bedfellows -- won't be using this greeting again)!

My hubby is an aspiring photographer (see his work at Cat Photography) and has taken up the *‎*12 Months in 12 Weeks** challenge to engender creativity and hone his skills.

How am I involved? I herd cats into photogenic poses and help with lighting....

How can you help? VOTE on your favorite photo by "Liking" it on Facebook. The photo links will send you to his FB page. Or leave your fav vote here on my blog. At the end of the challenge, the photos with the most votes will become 3Cat's 2012 calendar!

January ~ Day 1 by 3Cat Photography

January ~ Day 2 by 3Cat Photography

January ~ Day 3 by 3Cat Photography

January ~ Day 4 by 3Cat Photography

January ~ Day 5 by 3Cat Photography

Thank you thank you thank you for your help!
And I hope you enjoyed the photos.

Each weekday for the next 12 weeks, he'll take and post a new photo.
Each week will feature a new theme, corresponding to the months of the year.
At the end of each week, the photo with the most comments, likes, +1s, etc. will be chosen for 3Cat’s 2012 calendar.


  1. Day 4 is definitely my favorite although day 5 is very provocative :). Kisses and congrats for your hubby.

  2. Yay! I will make sure to vote. :)

  3. Duh...I vote for Day 1! I'm losing my mind.

  4. The first one, but I MISS living in the desert, so I MAY be biased . . .

  5. Hooray! Thanks for the votes, everyone.

    @Unikorna I can't look at that kitty without having a cuteness attack.

    @Cara Yay, my ice cube toothpicks! They are adorable, imo, though I don't necessarily approve of the risk he took with them. Desert is not the best climate for their delicate complexions.

    @Jolene Oh, the nostalgia draw is totally part of the game... Isn't a picture supposed to evoke something in the viewer? That interplay's important! Thx for voting!

  6. I vote for the ice cream sundae. The angle is really unusual. And it's fudge!!

  7. @Girl Parker Excellent choice! I'll Lol-ed at "Plus, it's fudge." :P

  8. Quite honestly, all of these are great. Before I tell you my vote I just had a few observations:

    I find day one intriguing. I can see that it's a cactus, but what are those cool looking things sticking out of it. Or are they really sticking out of it, perhaps it's birdhouses at a distance. Or maybe it's little masks shoved onto sticks/toothpicks. I'm sure I'm out in the left field here, but any which way it's a really cool pic. I spent A LOT of time staring at it.

    The ice (day 3, I think)! Wow, I seriously thought they were teeth at first. Great texture and lighting!

    My favorite, though, has to be the black kitty (day 4). The way s/he is staring at those corks so intently is almost magical. Like they are so much more than corks, like s/he'd discovered the Holy Grail. Are they laced with catnip, or what? LOL!

  9. Lindy, you guessed it! We totally sprinkled catnip all over those suckers. Imagine trying to get a cat interested in what you want him to be interested in. Nothing doing. AND we added a treat to the top of the corks at intervals. If you look closely, you can see. :)

    Thanks for voting!

  10. I voted for day one - loved the smiley faces on the cubes? I think?
    I'm a cat lover so did enjoy the kitty/cork one but the contrasting textures and juxtaposition on picture one really grabbed me.
    BTW, if you hubby loves to see work by other photogs, check out My friend Stephen is a photog for them - he does great stuff!

  11. @Melodie

    The kitties are almost cheating, imo. I mean, who doesn't love a kitty face?

    I passed along the link and we browsed through some of your friend Stephen's photos. Quite talented! Some unique angles. Thanks for the tip.
